#5 Golf Ball Divers

Golf Ball Divers are the toughest job in his profession because in every game thousands of balls are finding from trees, bushes, and pond. But golf ball divers are paid Ten Cents per ball. This profession gives a salary ranging from $30,000 to $80,0000.
#6 Obscure Stunt Tester

This profession is famous for eating the unappetizing and bizarre food. A specialized professional are hire to taste cockroaches, spiders, crabs, and other insects. The tester are paid $250,000 to $300,000 per year.
#7 Water Slide Tester

This profession requires testing of entertainment factor in new water slides. Many luxurious hotels and parks hire professionals for find out how much comfortable the water slide and they are paid up to $40,000 per year.
#8 Sewer Inspector

Well yes, it’s the same you have been thinking off. Cleaning up the tunnels, sewers but the good part is they’re paid around $40,000 to $75,000 per year is what you can earn on this job.
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