#5 Singapore: Leo (July 24 – August 23)

Singapore is in particular known for its environment. here the bushes on roads and other locations are in particular taken care of and given a special shape, because of which all the bushes look same. If for a few reason a tree is broken or dried, then some other tree of the identical size is planted.
#6 Jaisalmer: Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Jaisalmer, famous as the Golden City, has always been the center of tourist attraction. The winter season is the best place to roam here. These beautiful cities have beautiful forts, Jain temples, and havelis. It is a special place for those interested in history.
#7 Paris: Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Paris is like a dream for tourists around the world. Each year, more than 150 million people visit the city of love to see Paris. In life at least one time you should follow the phenomena of “traveling based on your zodiac sign”.
#8 Bali: Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

In addition to the beautiful cities, shining roads and color-colored life, there are also many beautiful places in the Java Islands. There you can enjoy the volcano and the Wild Life “Pangdaran.”
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