Terrible Pickup Lines
[W]ith the boom of people onto social media platforms, it has given a path to some creepy creatures to spread their nuisance over the globe. Availability of internet has been supposed to provide unimaginable access to the people to the content they are interested in. Some asshats have taken this to the other corner by trying to hit on every other girl using terrible pickup lines. Though, to their surprise sometimes the response they receive can make them feel like a piece of shit which just got run over by some high-end vehicle.
If you are familiar with Tinder/OkCupid or similar dating apps, you might know the experience. People get so frustrated swiping all day and night and making no match at all, that if by mistake somebody stalks their profile they shoot them asking for nudes. These terrible pickup lines can turn anyone off and can even provoke the person to fuck them with a savage reply. We have collected some snapshots of direct conversation with users that got leaked and became trending.
#1 Amanda the Looter.

#2 Bang the dong, hang the dog.

#3 Jerk needs to be murdered.

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