14 Surprising Things Found By Security In Airports (Airport Security)

#6 Imagine a hit of Giant Wooden Mallet.

No one can judge the mind of others, a funny incident took place at the airport a person caught with a wooden hammer.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

Joker is alive?

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

#7 A Baby getting smuggled.

A couple trying to smuggle their five-month-old baby.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

Don’t worry both the children ain’t the same.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

#8 Human-Skull Fragments

Airport security caught a woman with Ancient human skull fragments.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

A lot of mechanisms are there to detect the things because of security in airports so no need to expand your h0le too much.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

#9 Old Cannonball

Most of the Archeologists never use commercial airliners. The passenger was trying to travel with an 18th-century cannonball.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

A suspicious checking by airport security.

Airport security
Photo Courtesy: viraliq

#10 Airport security is psychotic? who doesn’t know difference between a toy and an alive Tiger?

A man caught by airport security attempting something rare- planned to travel with a live tiger.

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