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[H]uman beings are just the animals who are socially accepted, in simpler words we humans are the living species who can take up the sh!t of no one but other humans. Social media has completely helped people to show heights of the latter statement that I wrote. People are obsessed with showing off that they don’t realise when they should stop sharing things with others. Some people go heights and get trolled themselves later. Read out some of the incidents where people have lost their intelligence.
#1 Enjoyment Comes To An End In Just One Shot.

#2 There Is Nothing To Muffle About The Loudness Of Your Farts.

#3 And This Is Exactly The Same Thing I Just Said.

#4 God Saves You Boy, Because People Are Not Going To Show Any Mercy.

#5 You Have Cut Your Private Kid Last Night And That Is A Terrible Felling.

#6 Hey What You Did There, You Are Making People Hate The Eating Stuff.

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