Roast Me
[I]f I insult you on your face in front of your friends and family what would your reaction be like? I am sure that you would not like it much and you may be willing roast me on a flame. The trend is a word that can make people do the crazy thing and with the emergence of social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and with a special respect to our tube platform “YouTube”. The people are mad about getting famous and are requesting others to insult them by saying Roast Me.
#1 Look Into The Mirror And You Will Feel Sad.

#2 Do Not Fool Around Man.

#3 Yeah If You Talk About Date Rape.

#4 She Needs A Plastic Surgeon Very Very Soon.

#5 People Are Good At Reading Faces.

#6 You Are A Guy Who Will Live A Fake Life Till 100 And Die At 65.

#7 Moms Are Very Cute Creatures.

#8 People Are Not Mean, They Are Just Self Obsessed.

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