Savage AF
[L]ife is short live it like you own it, I have read many times that some people die menatlly at the age of 25 and continues to live inside a body until their brain/heart stops working while there are some who die once livin their real life withou any regrets in their life. The latter category of people is what we are calling savage AF. These are the kind of kings that might not be recognised by their riches but the things they do in their lifetime to please themslves and no others.
#1 And Miss Unknowingly Carter Is Enjoying Head Surfing In A Photograph.

#2 The Grandpa Who Grows From Both The Sides As Clearly Visible.

#3 When You Have Got All The Time To Achieve Your Dreams On Your Job.

#4 Posing Like A Pro Can Take You Throgh Many Situations.

#5 Somebody Told This Man Not To Think What Others Say.

#6 You Are Never Too Old to Enjoy, I Am Saying About Gyming.

#7 Busting The Myth “Smoking Kills”, Inspiration For Many.

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