Making Love First Time
[A] relationship is a connection between two people by heart, through this they are connected with each other. It shows that they have a great bond of love between them. People balance their relationship by impressing their partner by different ways. And romance is an also a good way of impressing their partner. People reach at that point after wait for a long time. When they do it for the first time, they experience so many embarrassing moments because at the first time they don’t know how to do romance with his/her partner. Some of the embarrassing things that people experience while making love first time like they don’t know how to wear condoms and confused to find out the correct place and after finish first time they get afraid and there are so many queries in girl mind as well as in boy mind. There are so much confusion and a weird environment create between them. While making love first time people should know about something about romance because at performance time which helps to abstain from some embarrassing things during romance.
Some of the embarrassing things that people experience while making love first time like they don’t know how to wear condoms and are confused to find out the correct place and after finish first time they get afraid, and there are so many queries in girl’s mind as well as in boy’s mind. There are so much confusion and a weird environment create between them. While making love first time people should know about some things about romance because at performance time which helps to abstain from some embarrassing things during romance.
Readers Cave represents some of the most embarrassing things that people experience while making love first time.
#1 ‘THE CONDOM FACTOR’-things seem little messy.

#2 Girl is trying to understand the real meaning of ‘Hurt.’

#3 He is so worried about the ‘THE GRAND ENTRY.’

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