#6 Writers Got Paid By Words Or Lines.
Reading the book does not like everyone quickly. Many say that they have boredom by reading a book, then someone says that they do not have much time left. But there are other people who do not sleep without reading a page of the book. Reading a book is like a drunk. So readers have lots of thought about reading books. so here we show you some different views about the book, in other words, enjoy some jokes about books.

#7 When You See The Last Line And Feel That Book Have Not All Page.

#8 Comparing Your Relation To Romeo And Juliet.

#9 Only, Its Happen In Stories.
It is said that books are the best friends of the human being. But in today’s busy lifestyle, very few people find reading habit as part of their daily routine. They think they have not time, even they are free whole day. Actually, the habit of reading a book should not be linked to entertainment. Rather it is such a habit that adoption is also necessary in order to shine its future. such type of person makes a reason jokes about books.

#10 A Slut For Libraries With Beautiful Architecture.

#11 I Read A Book Only For Two Minutes.

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