#9 A Small Difference Between Mushroom And Potty.

#10 A Big Fan Of Cockroach, Because They Survive In A Nuclear Weapon.

#11 Small Difference, But You Have To Die For This Statue

#12 One Of The Scariest Photo Of A Child With His Mother. But One Positive Point In This Pic, Awesome Spaces And Material Utilized.

#13 Noble And Equal Request To Everyone.

#14 They Come To The Mall To Entertain The Child.
Why laughing is very beneficial for health! Just as man is busy for work in this world, in the same way, if he takes away a bit of time for his entertainment, he will never face mental stress!

#15 Example, When Multiple Sperms Enter To The Goal.

#16 Perfect Time Utilization Or Can Say Multitasking.

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