Goddamn Hilarious Things
[R]oast me trend is already tearing apart the social platforms specially Reddit and Twitter, people uploading their selfies and pictures and asking the public to bondage them. There are these goddamn hilarious things that have happened that have made us laugh. We do not want to keep it to ourselves and it would be bad on our part if you people do not read through them so here we are with the best of the best.
#1 Things Can Get Boringly Cute, Is The Word Things Right Here?

#2 Dream Catcher Is A Real Bad ass Stuff, Make Sure You Do Not Catch STD.

#3 Nobody Even On The Strongest Request Wanna Roast You!

#4 You Need To Go And Roast Yourself In The Oven Kept In Your Bed Room.

#5 These Theater Girls Got Roasted In The Real-time, Bad Bad Bad!

#6 There Is A Lot Of Practice Going On Your Bed It Seems, Can You Explain? Please!

#7 Not A Day Goes When Her Dad Loses His Calm And Do It For Her.

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