English was Murdered
The less you do lesser you learn, the more you practice more will be the mistakes. You can relate this phrase to anything and any situation in your life where experience is the key but it is not the clear amount of we are talking about. I have heard that if you do a thing for 21 days it becomes a habit. I don’t know if it is right to say but your habits are something you should feel a sense of perfection in. Now let me come straight to the point that is the English language. Do you know even though English is not the national language of India yet it is the largest English speaking country in the world? I know we are getting good at it but there are instances when English was murdered brutally by Indians.
Let me make it clear that we are not judging anybody by the fluency or their command over the English language, as we believe that a language is just a way to communicate your mind with people, not a metric that decides the level of your knowledge. So on a lighter note, we are posting some of the moments where English was murdered in India that will make you laugh.
#1 When Did The Juice Became Visitable?

#2 The Community Is Becoming Too Open These Days.

#3 Religiously Correct.

#4 HaHa It Is Scary As Hell.

#5 Brides Stay Away It’s Dangerous.

#6 Something Worth Calling An Invention.

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