24 Times Celebrities Asked Hilarious Questions On Twitter

Celebrities Asked Hilarious Questions

[W]hatever the famous personalities do gets noticed. No matter how non sense the wods may be if it is posted/said by a celebrity it starts making sense. These Celebrities Asked Hilarious Questions on twitter that nobody would bat an eye on if they were posted by someone who is not popular.

#1 What Difference Would It Make Whether They Have It Or Not.

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#2 Why Don’t You Open A Salon, “Just In Barber”.

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#3 Sir Your Account Is Vulnerable To Get Hacked.

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#4 Sherlock Holmes Has Been Called Back To Solve This.

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#5 Steve Martin The G@y, Ain’t This Your Username Should Be?

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#6 Samuel This Is An Absurd Question To Ask!

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#7 No Cuffs There.

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

#8 Why On Earth Martha Had To Ask This?

celebrities asked hilarious questions
Photo Courtesy: BuzzFeed

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