Funny Harassment
[T]here are different types of people in this world. Every person has different nature and attitude. Some think about other and some are selfies. Here we are discussing people who have not break any law but they do some that type of harassment activities which are like a crime against humanity. These type of people think about only themselves and do whatever come to their mind for their benefits. According to them, activities they do are right because they don’t break any rule or law. Like, they use a public place for their use and use this place until they left that place, and people wait for that for a long time and some people sit on a bus or train seat and also keep their luggage on the seats. People say dumb or mental to these people who do that type of activities. These activities are like crime but there is no punishment for that crime.
Reader’s Cave presents 12 pictures of people who didn’t commit a crime but should be put in jail anyway due to harassment.
#1 She Paid For Four Seats.

#2 Gym Products And Cell Phones Are More Important Than Exercise.

#3 She Have Bus Pass For Her And For Her Luggage.

#4 Do You Want To Eat Nyquil Chicken.

#5 Owner Of A Sticker Company.

#6 Proper Usage Of Free Space.

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